Ethiopia Post

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    • March 13, 2022

      ምንም አሀላፊነት ማይወስድ የማይጣልበት ድርጅት በ10 ቀን ይደርሳል ያሉት እቃ 2 ወር 5 ቀን ሆነው እስካሁን እልመጣም

    • May 20, 2021

      to canada carmel tekeste

    • April 13, 2021

      March 16 ከ U.K ኤርፖርት የወጣ እቃ ሲሆን የእቃውም አይነት መድሃኒት ነው:: የእቃው ተቀባይ እህቴ የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪ ስትሆን እና እቃውን ለመረከብ እየተጠባበቀች ባለችበት ሰአት እቃው ቤዛ ዘለቀ በተባለች ሴት ተፈርሞ ከአዋሳ ፓስታ ቤት ወቱዋል:: እህቴ ትራክ ማድረጊያውን ቁጥር ይዛ ፓስታቤቱን ሄዳ ስትጠይቅ እንደዚህ አይነት እቃ የኛ ሲስተም ላይ አያሳየንም (አልተመዘገበም) ገና ከUK አልተላከም የሚል ምላሽ ሰጡዋት:: አሁን ከታች የላኩት ሊንክ ላይ እቃው ኢትዮጵያ ከገባ በሁዋላ የት እንደነበር አና እያንዳንዱን እንቅስቃሴ የሚያሳይ ሲሆንና በማን ተፈርሞ እንደወጣ የሚያሳይ ነው! የኢትዮጵያ ፓስታ ቤት ሰራተኞች ሲስተም ላይ ማየት ያልቻሉትን እቃ (ፖስታ) እንዴት እኔ ትራክ ማረግ (ማየት) ቻልኩ??ሌላው እቃው አዲስ አበባ ከገባበት እና ሶርሳ ዞን አዋሳ ፓስታ ቤት ቤዛ ዘለቀ በምትባል ሴት ግን ማንነቱዋ በውል ባልታወቀ ሰው ተፈርሞ እስከወጣበት ጊዜ ሁሉም የቀኑና የሰአቱ ሪኮርድ አንዳይነት ነው:: ለምን??? ከታች ያስቀመጥከትን ሊንክ ክፈቱና እዩት ይሄንን ነው የኢትዮጵያ ፓስታቤት ሲስተማችን ላይ አልተመዘገበም (ማየት) አንችልም የሚሉት:: ይድረስ ለሚመለከተው ሁሉ ከላይ እንደዘረዘርኩት በጣም አይን ያወጣ ችግር ስለገጠመን የትኛውም በታማኝነት ሊረዳን የሚችል የትኛውም አካል ካለ እባክዎን በዋትሳፕ (በቴሌግራም) ያግኙኝ 447490575944 ሜሮን (ዳህላክ) ብለው ያግኙኝ

    • October 15, 2020

      Better than anyother

    • October 08, 2020


Tracking Ethiopia Post packages, shipments and deliveries.

The origin of postal services dates back to the middle Ages and was developed from the medieval system of royal messengers whom employed to carry government documents from one place to another. In most countries, the postal service developed in the 18th century when different means of transport such as mules, horses, camels and stage-caches were used to carry mail. In some Middle-Eastern countries even falcons were specially trained to carry written messages from one place to another. The first railway mails were carried in Europe in 1830. The establishment of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1875 is what greatly promoted international mail services.
The origin of postal services dates back to the middle Ages and was developed from the medieval system of royal messengers whom employed to carry government documents from one place to another. In most countries, the postal service developed in the 18th century when different means of transport such as mules, horses, camels and stage-caches were used to carry mail. In some Middle-Eastern countries even falcons were specially trained to carry written messages from one place to another. The first railway mails were carried in Europe in 1830. The establishment of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1875 is what greatly promoted international mail services.

What services does Ethiopia Post provide?

  • letter post service
  • parcel post service
  • Financial service
  • Express mail service
  • Philatelic service
  • Agency service
  • Sim and voucher cards whole seal and retail
  • Transport services (post Bus)
  • Post box Service
  • Advertisement services through post boxes (direct advertisement)
  • Postal museum
  • Logistic Service
  • Door to Door acceptance and delivery Service

Ethiopia Post Community

Professional Grade Order Status & Package Tracking