TNT Italy

TNT Italy

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Tracking TNT Italy packages, shipments and deliveries.

  • 56,000 employees in 61 countries, of which 2,400 in Italy.
  • 1,000,000 deliveries worldwide, every day. 155,000 in Italy.
  • 55,000 trips between the 72 road hubs and 550 depots.
  • In Italy 100 structures including Branches, Air hubs and Road hubs.
  • Over 1,200 TNT Points and over 300 Lockers in Italy.

    FAQs about TNT Italy

  • Does TNT offer the packaging?
    We afraid not. But packaging canbe purchased in TNT.
  • What preparation should I make before shipping?
    If you need to ship abroad, refer to the Global Regulations on TNT official site for more details on custom and export control. And pack your items well to ship safely.
  • Can I pick up my parcel at your branch?
    Yes. If you have found a Notice card you can pick up your goods at our branch or at a TNT point after requesting it through the Management tool left notice.

    How can I get in touch with TNT Italy?

  • Tel: 199 803 868

Professional Grade Order Status & Package Tracking